Thursday, March 27, 2008

Family Easter picture

Gavin, always looking off when he's not supposed to :)
oh well turned out pretty good I guess.

Watching "Pixars Short stories" that
Gavin got for Easter. It must have
been good :)

Too Cute :)

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Moving Grandma (Nate's)

So today we got up early and got everyone ready and got in the van for a 3 hour drive to Nate's Grandmas in Lamberton, MN, she has been living in this assisted living apt. there for a while now and has moved into the nursing home attached to it, so we headed down there to help move her things out of the apt and to go through things that she wanted her Grand kids to have (all 3 of them!!!) All in all it was great day, so of course there were many photo opps!
So here are a few!!!

The Grand and Great-Grand kids
front row: Grandma Bruns and Reed Sommer
back row: Aaron Kopel, Laura Whalen, Nate & Gavin Sommer

Reed getting all boxed up
Laura was going to take
him home with her (She
would have called me by
2am to come get him :) )

Gavin with some of his
treasures for Great Gram,
some of her "Transformer"
sewing scissors :) too funny!

There are so many cool farms and
buildings down there, so I decided
to snap a few.

This sun shot I couldn't
resist, it had been cloudy
and snowy ALL day long
so this was very welcoming!

Friday, March 21, 2008

Some random pictures from today :)

Just a few shots from our day.....I had to go out with the boy's this afternoon so I thought I would make the best of it and take some pictures (see I'm not an outdoor snow lovin' kinda girl!!!) :)

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Long Lost Pictures!!!! this story that I have to tell you had pictures to go with it but I lost them somehow (miss placed them on one of my memory cards:) ) and last night I found them on one of my memory cards and I was STOKED!!!!!
Ok so here is the story, I bought a new treadmill right after the 1st of the year and my brother Noah came over to help us lug the big honkin' thing to the up-stairs of our garage and then we were setting it up and I had the boy's down there with us and it was kinda getting late and Reed was getting PRETTY crabby! and then I noticed that he had stopped squawkin' so I turned to check on him and this is what I found ( I about DIED I was laughing SO hard!!!!) :
I guess it's the true definition of "putting a cork in it"!!!

So here Gavin had given Reed what he thought was a "Nuky" but it was a Champagne cork that we must have overlooked from new years! oh my gosh I still about die when I see this!!!!!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! When I asked him what he was doing he said that Reed was crying so he gave him his "NUKY"!!!! sweet innocence!!!!! Reed would not stop sucking on it either! I tried to pull it out but he was not having it, funny thing is though that he didn't take a nuk very much at all before or after that!!! I guess he only likes the "Special" ones!!! :)

Lennon-wanna-be :)

WOW Who's kid is this anyways?????? It's all Nate! :)

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Grandma's Funeral

So I write with a heavy heart right now, I think it is all starting to set in:
No more Christmas, Easter, coming to christmas programs or vbs programs (which she was SOOOO good at doing), no more coming to baptisims,Weddings ect.......... It is never easy to say good bye to someone you love! but I know we will see her again soon! and that makes it kinda easier (Kinda!).
But I thought I would let you know about the funeral and such: Wake (Reviewal) Mon. 4:00-8:00 at Bayview Funeral home in Albert Lea, Mn, Funeral Tues. 11:00am at Centeral Freeborn Lutheran in Albert Lea, MN.
Thank you all again for all the prayers and support in this hard time, you dont know how much it means to my family!!! JAMIE

Friday, March 7, 2008

Final Goodbye!

So my Grandma passed away this morning at about 5:30, and she went in peace! and with almost ALL of her family right by her side! As sad as this all is it has really been very nice to have this time with family and friends that we dont see very often and even ones that we do!!! it has really brought us together and Grandma would be proud of that!!!We thank you for all your prayers and support in this hard time and I would ask you to continue to pray for us but especially my Mom and her family, this has been very hard on her and them! I will keep posted about Wake and Funeral times for anyone that would like to know! again Thank you for everything and God bless! JAMIE
P.S. : her husbands name is Don and is also struggling very much so uphold him also! Thanks

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Please Pray!

So I have some sad news: On Mon. night at about 10:00pm my Grandma Olson had a massive Stroke and is now in like a coma of sorts, she is non responsive and has a major bleed in her brain, I went down to Albert Lea with my brother Nate at about 1:15am on Tues. morning and was there all day yesterday till about 10:00pm, nothing really changed yesterday, the Doctor came in and showed an image from the CT scan and the bleed has taken over her whole brain now and she has no reflexes, so now it's just a waiting game for her body to give out.
It is just so unexpected and this is so hard, she would be 72 this year and just had a physical on Thurs. and was told she is a picture of health!
I would really appreciate prayer's for my Mom Joan, she is not taking this very well and is very emotional (as is to be expected!) right now, and also for the whole family: there are 2 of them as my Grandma was re-married after my Grandpa died, so that everything would go smoothly after this is over as far as the "STUFF" (you know how that goes).
Well I know yesterday morning her pulse was not strong at all and hardly there in her feet and she was very cold and last night when I left she was running a low-grade temp. and had a VERY strong pulse in her feet again (?) so that was very promising for my Mom but the doctors didn't really think anything of it! I just think that you (as a person going through something like this) just take everything as positive and don't like hearing anything negative! the low-grade temp is because of the large amount of blood in the brain, it's putting alot of pressure there and the body does not know what to do about it so that's how it deals with it. Kind of like spilling water on a circuit board, is kinda how it was explained to us.
So that's all I know right now, I haven't heard from my Mom this morning, but will update when there is some change. Thank you for all you prayers and please keep them coming! JAMIE

Monday, March 3, 2008

New Project!

Soooo........We have started our small last-of-winter project, we are taking out a wall in the boy's room and making a built in dresser like we have in ours, so Nate & Gavin and Micah and Aaron are up stairs working on that right now and I hear Gavin ask Nate " Daddy, can we just tear the whole house down?" Nate : "What ? Why? " Gavin : " Then we can just live in the GARAGE!!!"
I about lost it !!! WOW 3 year olds just about kill me!!! :)

Uncle Micah Helping out!!

And so it begins!!


Uncle Aaron and Gavin Havin' at it!

Oh It's ok Reed!!! It will all be better soon :)

Like Father, Like Son!!!

Oh Poor Corner Bead :(

There that's better Reed!!!!


Saturday, March 1, 2008

My Boy's (Oh Boy!!!!)

Well here are a couple of small video's that I did, one the other day and the darker one just tonight, Reed's new favorite thing is copying what you do, so Gavin was screaming at him and Reed was copying him, It was sooooo funny (but you might want to have your sound turned down a little!) He was just going crazy! Of course I would to if someone was screaming at me! I wonder if Baby's really think things like that are funny if they are laughing at them or do they not know any better? Hmmmm...............oh so we are changing it up at our house a little, Gavin and Nate & I are trading rooms :( I guess that's what happens when you have more than 1 kid and only 2 bedrooms, It's either that or all of us in one bed!!! YIKES it's only a full!! we don't want to set up the big crib for Reed now and I don't think he is quite ready for the big bed with Gavin so we will put the toddler bed in our old room and Gavin's full bed in there also and they will still have plenty of room to play and such in there! I guess Nate & I only use our room to sleep now, so as long as our bed fits then we will be fine till the addition! the house addition that is! :) But that means Painting and finishing small but tedious jobs in both rooms now (sometimes we all need a swift kick in the pants to get things done!!!) so it should be a nice and busy rest of the winter for us!.................................all for now :) JAMIE