Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Sooooo...........Nate is taking me away for Valentines Day! and I found out where! Because someone called to confirm reservations on Sun. night and asked for me! He is taking me to our timeshare in the Dells: Christmas Mountain !!! again NO KIDS!!!!! We are going tonight after he gets home from work and we will be home Fri. sometime!!! It will be so nice to get away for a couple nights :)
Keep you posted (well the G-Rated version!! :) )
Happy Valentines Day :)


Anonymous said...

Shut up!! Have Nate teach Ben how to do stuff like that! Have a great time, and we'll hear all (well, some) about it when you get back. Bekki B.

Abbie said...

OMG, and teach Bud. I'm sure you will have a blast!! Lucky girl.